Review of Salmon Escapement Goals in the Chignik Management Area, 2020
註釋In October 2020, an interdivisional team of staff from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game reviewed existing Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus escapement goals in the Chignik Management Area (CMA). The 6 CMA salmon escapement goals were last reviewed in 2018. Starting in 2020, the team reviewed recent data to determine whether substantial new information existed to warrant analyzing and updating the goals. The team determined Chignik sockeye salmon warranted further review. The team revised the early- and late-run sockeye salmon goals to a single biological escapement goal (BEG) of 450,000 to 800,000 fish to address overlaps and subsequent bottlenecks in freshwater rearing between the 2 major stocks. The early- and late-run sockeye salmon goals will be eliminated, and no new goals were added for systems currently without escapement goals.