Alzheimer's Disease I (Bulgarian Edition)
註釋What is it? What are its causes? What are the consequences? Discover all the keys to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a disease that has increased in the number of cases affected in recent years, which in turn has caused many questions arise when a person or family member receives the diagnosis, such as, What is the Alzheimer ?, What is its origin ?, Is there treatment ?, How does the disease evolve ?, What consequences does it entail in daily life ?, What are the psychological effects on the patient ?, Can it be overcome? Is it transmitted to children? This opens up a whole melting pot of questions to deal with in order to alleviate the uncertainty caused by learning that you are suffering from an increasingly "common" and widespread disease, and of which you hardly know about the latest scientific advances in this area, due to the fact that good measure to the complexity of the technical language used, but also because these advances usually reach only specialists through meetings and conferences where this type of information is shared.