Leader-member Exchange Quality and the Role of Personality Congruence Between Leaders and Subordinates
註釋This study examined the relationship between the level of personality similarity between leaders and subordinates (leader-member personality congruence) and the quality of their working relationship, also known as the Leader-Member Exchange Quality (LMX Quality). This relationship was examined overall as well as for specific personality dimensions and specific dimensions of LMX Quality (Work Contribution, Professional Respect, Loyalty, and Affect). It was argued that LMX Quality would be higher between leaders and subordinates who are more similar in personality - their overall personality and with respect to specific personality dimensions. The study also investigated the differential influence of leader-member personality congruence and leader-member personal values congruence on LMX Quality. It was hypothesised that leader-member personality congruence would have a significantly higher association than leader-member personal values congruence with LMX Quality. Data were collected from 202 employees, consisting of 101 leader-member pairs from both private and public sector organizations in Australia. Each participant completed a personality measure (NEO-FFI), a personal values measure (Short Schwartz Value Survey) and the Leader-Member Exchange Quality measure (LMX - MDM). The Analyses of Variance and Canonical Correlation Analyses revealed, as hypothesised, that the higher the overall level of personality similarity between leaders and subordinates the higher the level of LMX Quality and the overall professional relationship. Leader-member Neuroticism congruence, Conscientiousness congruence and Agreeableness personality congruence had the strongest association with LMX Quality, while leader-member congruence in terms of Extroversion, and Openness to Experience had non-significant associations with LMX Quality. It was found that the higher the level of leader-member Conscientiousness congruence, the higher the level of LMX,dimension Professional Respect between leaders and subordinates. Similarly, the higher the level of Agreeableness congruence, the higher the levels of Loyalty and Contribution between the leader and the subordinate. Finally, leader-member Neuroticism congruence was found to be significantly related to three of the four LMX dimensions, Affect, Loyalty and Contribution, as well as the overall leader-member relationship, overall LMX Quality. Also as hypothesised, leader-member personality congruence had a stronger association than leader-member personal values congruence with LMX Quality. Leader-member personality congruence was significantly related to overall LMX Quality and three of its four dimensions; Respect, Loyalty, and Work Contribution, while leader-member values congruence was not significantly associated with overall LMX Quality or any of its four dimensions. Exploratory analysis were also performed in order to investigate the relationship between i) LMX Quality and the leader personality, and ii) LMX Quality and the subordinate personality. The theoretical and practical implications of this study, as well as recommendations for future research are discussed.