Homo Electrus
註釋About the Book Homo Electrus is a fantastic prediction of the next human generation. These two words, describing the evolution of modern man and how it all began, will be remembered for all posterity. An epic scientific discovery allows artificial knowledge and memory to be integrated into the human brain. Additional new findings create a worldwide race for supremacy, pitting nations and individuals against each other in a quest for economic, cultural, and military dominance. The world will change forever in a bid to outsmart and outmaneuver fellow man. What starts as one scientist's noble search for a cure for neurological and muscular diseases ends up being used in unintended ways and with wicked intentions. The added knowledge and resources afforded by this discovery become a dangerous weapon in the hands of select individuals, who make arrogance and self-righteousness commonplace as they launch grand designs to settle old grievances while trying to control the resources of our planet. Unfortunately the added knowledge does not come with added wisdom; wisdom will have to wait. A few, however, do benefit from the discoveries. Among them are wise individuals who begin to see the past clearly and objectively. They find flaws in classical and individual histories that were passed down for generations and, by teaching others about the future, shine a desperately needed ray of hope on humanity.