The Trials of Arthur
註釋A bracing biography of Arthur Uthar Pendragon: eco-campaigner, neo-druid leader, and living incarnation of the mythical King Arthur of British legend.

Looks like a tramp. Says he's a King. Meet Arthur—eco-warrior and protector of standing stones. An ex-squaddie and biker turned spiritual leader, "battle chieftan" of The Council of British Druid Orders, and parliamentary candidate, some would claim he is also the legendary King Arthur, returned at last to revive the wasteland and protect its sacred sites from the intrusion of the heritage industries. Don't believe it? Then join him on his quest, through fields and forests, to the mythical Britain that rests behind the facade of an increasingly empty consumer culture. Regardless of whether you believe he is who he says he is, one thing is certain: he's the best Arthur we have.

Co-written by C. J. Stone, a legendary chronciler of British underground culture, and Arthur himself, this new edition of the The Trials of Arthur presents the fullest account of Arthur's almost mythic life to date, and includes a foreword by renowned historian Ronald Hutton.