Writing for Everyone Inspired by Only One
註釋ABOUT THE BOOK This book was inspired ironically out of personal tragedy. It contains a collective of many poems as well as excerpts by mainly two authors but a few others as well. The title of this book is "WRITING FOR EVERYONE INSPIRED BY ONLY ONE". We decided upon this title for the simple fact that by publishing the book it will inspire readers with words written from several different aspects. The purpose is for this book is to help those that are in need of comfort and inspiration, we hope that it will touch many lives and accomplish exactly that. With that being said in the event that it brings only one reader a sense of understanding that God has given us these words to relay them to whomever they are intended. I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason nothing is by chance. In this life we must endure pain and suffering, no not one of us can avoid them. With this book you should at the very least know that something good can come from your pain and sorrow, and that if you will allow him God is always there for you, within these words you will find you are not alone. Life is all about choices, we hope that you will choose to read this book, knowing that God inspired us to write our most intimate details about our own experiences. There truly is something in the writing for everyone, as difficult as it has been for us to write, we pray that it is equally helpful for you to read.