Aye Ready
註釋Hero. A word used and abused in football, but for those who fought for their country in Britain's armed forces during the brutal conflicts of the twentieth century, there can be no better description. And over the years, Rangers Football Club has produced its share of true heroes. The club's traditional motto, 'Aye Ready', has applied on the pitch for well over a century, but for a generation of Ibrox stars, those words were carried onto the battlefields on foreign shores as they fought for their country. Some emerged to once again to pull on their football boots, others were less fortunate and paid the ultimate price for their loyalty to the cause. All will forever be remembered as Rangers heroes. Aye Ready profiles the stories of a selection of the club's war veterans - their life and times in football, along with the battles they fought, in a lasting tribute to a band of men who represented Rangers with distinction.