Balancing Leadership and Personal Growth

"Christa Metzger has provided a heartfelt syllabus for maintaining the all-important connections between mind and body, between physical and psychological experience. Know yourself, she counsels, and then she provides a multitude of tips both large and small to light the way. If a difficult journey begins with a single step, heeding the invaluable counsel of this book is the right first step to take."
—Robert W. Cole, Editor and Writer
Former Editor-in Chief, Phi Delta Kappa
President, Educational Press Association of America

Promote strong teaching and learning while maintaining personal leadership development and growth!

Do you find yourself looking for a better way to respond to the stresses of your job? Are you asking, "How do I relate my job to my goals and beliefs and achieve a sense of balance between my personal and professional life?" You′re not alone. Many school leaders have these questions, but the answers are not always easy to find.

After conducting intensive research and observations of school district superintendents, administrators, and school principals, the author offers strategies for achieving a healthy work and life balance, including:

  • Taking care of yourself as well as you do others
  • Defining and applying the six themes of personal growth
  • Nourishing your spirit, finding time for solitude and meditation, and cultivating relationships
  • Fulfilling your purpose as a leader and finding meaning as a person

By learning to take of yourself, you not only enhance your own work and life, you also enhance the lives of people you encounter on a daily basis.