註釋It is estimated that 4-8 million people in the United States sufferwith Fibromyalgia. Another one million also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.Some statistics state that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgiamay directly affect 5% of the world's population.
I am one of the individuals in this growing epidemic. In 1997, after achaotic year of intense medical and psychological testing, I was diagnosedwith Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I spent muchof the last ten years in deep denial feeling alone, confused, frustrated, and angry. It has taken me a great deal of soul searching, but I believethat today I am a better, more centered person because of my experiences.
I've never been someone who dictates advice, so my book provides worksheets you can develop to tailor your personal responses to symptoms and crises. It is the good, the bad, and the ugly of my personal journey that I share with you, my fellow Fibromites. My hope is simple, that you will find solace and renewed hope in my words.
What People Are Saying About "Strategies"
"This book is a passionate, intense account of one person's conquest over suffering. As a psychologist working with chronic pain sufferers, I can endorse Ms. Brady's philosophy, approach and tools." -Bob Rich, PhD, author "Cancer: A Personal Challenge"
Author info at http: //tami-brady.com
Another great self-help book from Loving Healing Press http: //LovingHealing.com