Law pamphlets
註釋Introduction This is the twenty-eighth volume in the Daily Gospel series and it contains two reflections. The purpose of this series is to introduce timely topics from the Gospel, which integrate critical values we face in the digital age. The purpose of this series is to introduce appropriate topics from the Gospel, which incorporate critical values we face in the digital age.The Daily Gospel series follows the Catholic Church's liturgical calendar and seeks to offer small portions of the Gospel on a daily basis. The Daily Gospel has been at the heart of the Catholic Church for many centuries, but we have now entered a digital age. This has not changed the desire the faithful have for listening to the Gospel, but only the medium by which they find the word of God and apply it to their lives. This series of reflections dedicated to the Daily Gospel as given to us by the Catholic Church by the Bishops is hoped to be another means that the faithful can retrieve the Gospel thru various electronic media: Kindle, iPhone, tablets and iPad.Jesus tells his hearers that he has come to perfect the Law.