Lost Stars
Lost, Missing, and Troublesome Stars from the Catalogues of Johannes Bayer, Nicholas-Louis de Lacaille, John Flamsteed, and Sundry Others
出版McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, 2003
主題Nature / Sky ObservationScience / Space Science / AstronomyScience / History
註釋Stars have been identified by astronomers for centuries, but many of those celestial names have disappeared from modern star catalogues. This text goes in search of the forgotten and misplaced stars discovered and named by such pioneering astronomers as Johannes Bayer, Nicholas-Louis de Lacaille, and John Flamsteed. Explained in detail is how and why certain stars have seemed to vanish from scientific view since the first modern star atlas and catalogue was published in 1603. Also included in this volume are three sets of seminal star charts in the history of astronomy: a complete set of Johannes Bayer's 49 star charts from the early 17th century; enlarged and detailed copies of Nicholas-Louis de Lacaille's famous 18th-century chart of the Southern Hemisphere; and the complete set of 27 charts from John Flamsteed's star atlas. Lost Stars also provides information about how and why the 88 constellations received the names by which they are now identified.