註釋As Emelye opened the lap drawer of the desk, the strong odor of ink, and cedar wood long sealed up, flooded her nostrils. She was surprised to find Elizabeth had left behind the note paper engraved with her name, and the silver blotter and letter opener that appeared in a package with her name on it under the Christmas tree one year. Surely she didn't know even before she left that she was about to change her identity. An image of Elizabeth walking down a train platform all alone, carrying her small suitcase, gripped Emelye suddenly. Her eyes filled. Oh, Elizabeth, why'd you have to go away and become somebody else? Clearharbour, the final volume of the Clearharbour Trilogy, carries the story of the Selby family into the third generation. Having survived two world wars, Geneva and Tony Selby and their children must come to terms with old secrets and unresolved issues that threaten to destroy the family. Packed with compelling, complicated characters and captivating imagery, Clearharbour is a stunning finale to this beautiful and haunting trilogy.