An Easy-to-build, Low-budget Point-of-care Ultrasound Simulator: from Linux to a Web-based Solution
註釋Abstract: Background: Hands-on training in point-of-care ultrasound (POC-US) should ideally comprise bedside teaching, as
well as simulated clinical scenarios. High-fidelity phantoms and portable ultrasound simulation systems are commercially
available, however, at considerable costs. This limits their suitability for medical schools. A Linux-based software
for Emergency Department Ultrasound Simulation (edus2TM) was developed by Kulyk and Olszynski in 2011. Its feasibility
for POC-US education has been well-documented, and shows good acceptance. An important limitation to an
even more widespread use of edus2, however, may be due to the need for a virtual machine for WINDOWS® systems.
Our aim was to adapt the original software toward an HTML-based solution, thus making it affordable and applicable
in any simulation setting.

Methods: We created an HTML browser-based ultrasound simulation application, which reads the input of different
sensors, triggering an ultrasound video to be displayed on a respective device. RFID tags, NFC tags, and QR CodesTM
have been integrated into training phantoms or were attached to standardized patients. The RFID antenna was hidden
in a mock ultrasound probe. The application is independent from the respective device.

Results: Our application was used successfully with different trigger/scanner combinations and mounted readily into
simulated training scenarios. The application runs independently from operating systems or electronic devices.
Conclusion: This low-cost, browser-based ultrasound simulator is easy-to-build, very adaptive, and independent
from operating systems. It has the potential to facilitate POC-US training throughout the world, especially in resourcelimited

Keywords: Ultrasonography, Point-of-care systems, Simulation training