註釋An international team reviewed the system of vocational education and training (VET) in Poland and analyzed possible alternatives for the future. Some of the main conclusions and recommendations were as follows: (1) the most crucial issue is to change the very "logic" according to which the Polish VET system has been functioning; (2) reforms cannot be implemented overnight; (3) changes in vocational education are intricately interrelated with changes in the employment system; (4) modernization requires experimentation and is a learning process itself; (5) such a learning process will not occur spontaneously and needs to be facilitated by proper interventions and guidance; (6) the biggest challenge for the VET system is to develop among youth and adults an awareness about their new societal and occupational roles and to provide them with the skills to become responsible for their own lives; (7) the modernization of the Polish VET system is a process and not the result of a single policy act; (8) VET can play a very active role in social and economic development by making people capable of taking employment initiatives and by creating demand for qualifications that previously were not available; (9) no ideal system can be designed at this point, but a "bottom-up" structure should be considered; (10) centralized experiments in reform should be tried; (11) regional training centers should be established; (12) a mixture of financial sources for financing the VET system should be sought; (13) the role of teachers should be considered; and (14) regional networks and a national network should be developed. (Appendixes include the following: a summary of the outcome of the discussions with Polish Ministries and foreign donor representatives and proposals for further action; biographies of the report authors; 86 references; and a review of the Polish VET system.) (KC)