
 A story of strange experiences about what happens when events in the future return to affect the past.

Disclosure traces the life of Kevin Powell from the age of eight when he is living with his mum Sylvie. He undergoes a number of strange experiences that his young mind cannot interpret and that he assumes are a normal part of growing up. 

“Something had woken Kevin from his slumbers. Did he really see the handle rotating and then turn back on itself to the closed position? He was not sure. Something had disturbed his sleep.”
As a teenager, Kevin supports his mum when she falls ill and requires surgery to remove a mysterious object of unknown origin and function. In adulthood, he again has a number of realistic nightmare-like visions. He sees his wife and mum in a bizarre, unfamiliar environment. Revelations of a depopulated planet Earth are shown to him from the distant future. He is placed in a dilemma which sets his love for his daughter against an uncertain future on Earth... 

Disclosure will appeal to both sci-fi fans and individuals interested in UFOs and related phenomena. For many years, strange sights have been observed in the skies and Disclosure references UFO sightings back to distant civilizations such as those of Sumeria, ancient Egypt and the Mayans. It forwards through history, right up to the present time, also looking at what US presidents may or may not have known about UFOs and alien contact, conspiracy theories, abductions and contacts, observations by pilots, secret bases and ‘black ops’, back engineering, government programmes like Project Blue Book, crop circles, subatomic particles, novel technology and much more.