The Outdoor TV Show's Guide to the Industry

 Learn the secrets outdoor industry won't tell you from TV show co-host, outdoor industry consultant, and TV show marketing director Dustin Vaughn Warncke in The Outdoor TV Show's Guide to the Industry. In this groundbreaking book, Warncke covers a wide variety of subjects such as:

Prospecting and building relationships with sponsors and earning their favor.

Airing your show on multiple traditional TV and Web TV platforms.

Mistakes that most TV show teams make in the industry.

How to build and audience and keep them coming back to your content.

Producing quality content across multiple platforms.


The Outdoor TV Show's Guide to the Industry is filled with photos, screen shots, and several real world examples of proven techniques to grow your audience and film and produce quality content. This book was written to provide valuable insight for current and aspiring Outdoor TV Show Hosts. The inspiration for writing this book came through a partnership with the Co-Founders of DK Outdoor Adventures Outdoor TV Network and through a long standing relationship with the hosts of Mac and Prowler TV. This book provides valuable industry knowledge that has been gained through first hand experience. In this book , we will cover how to begin the journey of starting an Outdoor TV program on any budget,  what separates home videos from actual TV shows and how networking to create benefit results in opportunity. 

Readers will learn strategies on how to achieve sponsorships, how to earn revenue through their programs, and how to dominate their industry by creating beneficial partnerships that offer massive exposure for their programs and for their sponsors. I hope this book will provide valuable insight into the world of Outdoor Industry Entertainment.  While there are many verticals to begin gaining exposure for an outdoor show, there are  very few that deliver the exposure level necessary to actually create income and value for the show host to sustain. This book will highlight different avenues to consider when trying to create income through an Outdoor TV program. After purchasing this book, we invite readers to contact us for assistance in beginning their journey to start their very own Outdoor TV Program.