Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal analyzes and compares political ideologies to help readers understand individual ideologies, and the concept of ideology, from a political science perspective. This best-selling title promotes open-mindedness and develops critical thinking skills. It covers a wide variety of political ideologies from the traditional liberalism and conservatism to recent developments in identity politics, green politics, and radical Islamism.
- An expanded account of the right to vote and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.
- A new section on "fusionist" conservatism that attempts to ally different kinds of conservatives.
- A discussion of Putin’s post-Soviet expansion of Russia’s territory and influence, the apparent rebirth of "Mao Zedong thought" in China, and the ideology of Juche in North Korea.
- Coverage of "democratic socialism" in the context of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.
- Updates on fascism past and present.
- A more in-depth account of the origins of black liberation and a discussion of the new "Black Lives Matter" movement.
- New directions in feminist theory and the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage.
- An account of Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical on the environment and humans’ duty to protect it.
- An expanded discussion of radical Islamism, especially with regard to the varieties of Islamism, the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS), and the effects of recent terrorist attacks on national and international politics.
- Discussion questions added to the end of each chapter.
- Additional graphs and photos throughout.
- An updated, author-written Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank.