Paco Knoller
註釋The abstract pictures of Paco Knoller unfold in colourful richness. The colours mainly range between tones of turquoise, greenish yellow, lilac and violet; via interplay, they mutually rein- force and influence each other. His new work group of smaller and colour-dense wood panels, which has come about since 2005, goes back to the oil crayon works on paper with their more monochrome priming in oil crayon and pigment and the large-scale bright 'cuts' that he did between 2001 and 2005. The printing blocks have carried over the intense colour zones and layers, printed freehand on gigantic paper sheets permeated with gouged-out progressions. In the new wood panels, colours and gougings come together in bundled energy and appear to have internalized wide-awake experiences of nature, of human life, of poetry.