Training in Family Planning for Health Personnel
World Health Organization
Report on a WHO Meeting, Paris, 6-11 July 1981
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
, 1985
Medical / Public Health
Social Science / Abortion & Birth Control
This document contains a summary of and papers from an international conference convened by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and the International Children's Centre to review training in family planning for physicians, nurses, midwives, and other health staff in countries of the European Region. The Introduction contains a brief summary of the conference proceedings. Chapter 1, "Present Position with Regard to the Teaching of Family Planning" includes: "The Teaching of Family Planning at Medical, Nursing and Midwifery Schools in Various Countries of the Region" (F. Puech and W. Haddad); "Complementary Study on the Teaching of Family Planning" (M. Pechevis); and a "Summary of Discussions." Chapter 2, "Introduction to Aspects of Family Planning," includes:"Problems in the Teaching of Family Planning and Sexuality" (M. Manciaux); "Strategy for Teaching Human Reproduction and Family Planning" (P. O. Hubinont); "The Social Status of Women and Family Planning in Developing Countries" (M. Ladjali and F. Oussedik); "Role of the Woman in Family Planning" (D. Nardini-Maillard); "Community Diagnosis" (T. Amat); "Psychosocial and Educational Aspects of Family Planning" (Ph. Lecorps); "Evaluation of Family Planning Activities" (E. Wollast); and "Pedagogical Support to Family Planning Programmes" (M. A. C. Dowling). Chapter 3 is "Activities of Study Groups: Some Reflections on Training in Family Planning" (K. Edstrom). Chapter 4 is a "Presentation and Discussion of a Draft Educational Handbook." Chapter 5 presents a "Summary of Plenary Meetings Grouped by Topic," and chapter 6 contains "Recommendations and Conclusions." A list of conference participants is appended. (NB)