The President's Private Eye
註釋THE PRESIDENT'S PRIVATE EYE is the amazing story of one man's journey into history. From New York's Lower East Side to the White House this episodic memoir tells of the orbit traveled by Tony Ulasewicz, the Runyonesque ex-detective who retired from the NYPD to become President Nixon's private investigator, the first ever hired by a President of the United States. Tony "U" carried the badge of a New York City cop for twenty-seven years; twenty of those years as a detective with the Bureau of Special Service & Investigation (BOSSI), the intelligence unit of the NYPD which was known in Washington as the "little FBI" & the "little CIA." No other detective, real or imagined, has ever been involved, center stage or peripherally, in so many historical cases & coverups such as the kidnapping of Professor Jesus de Galindez of Columbia University who wrote a book condemning Dominican Dictator Rafael Trujillo; the conspiracy to blow up the Statue of Liberty by the Black Liberation Front; the effort of George Lincoln Rockwell & his American Nazi Party to march on New York & finally, Chappaquiddick & Watergate, the bookends of Tony's career as President Nixon's private eye.