其他書名 Julie Ault and Martin Beck, Peggy Diggs, Anthony Hernandez, Tom Hunter, Ken Lum, Samuel Mockbee and Rural Studio, Marjetica Potrĉ with Liyat Esakov, Michael Rakowitz, Temporary Services with Dave Whitman, Camilo José Vergara
出版 Weatherspoon Art Museum , 2004主題 Art / Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions / General ISBN 1890949078 9781890949075 URL http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=TuJPAAAAMAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api
註釋 Contemporary art, with its inherent contradictions, ambiguities, and market alliances, is an idiosyncratic--even problematic--lens through which to examine situations borne of economic necessity. Nevertheless, some artists do challenge their own system, choosing to proactively address economic dispossession and the larger social and political factors that contribute to adverse economic conditions. Seeking to counteract stereotypical expectations and portrayals of lower-income existence, Borne of Necessity brings together recent and newly commissioned work by Julie Ault and Martin Beck, Peggy Diggs, Anthony Hernandez, Tom Hunter, Marjetica Potrc, Michael Rakowitz, Camilo José Vergana, Ken Lum, Samuel Mockbee and The Rural Studio, and the artists' collective Temporary Services with Dave Whitman. Accompanying reproductions of the artists' projects are essays by curator Ron Platt, who frames the exhibition within current contemporary practice, and Carol Becker, who discusses the ways in which artists engage new strategies in politically oriented works. Also included is a CD of "Dave's Stories," a sound piece produced by Temporary Services.