A Manual for the Primate Serial Probe Recognition (SPR) Task
Defense Technical Information Center
, 2001
The Serial Probe Recognition (SPR) task utilizes a set of six images shown at a set interval followed by a probe and a white block. If the probe item was contained in the list, the probe is pressed. If the probe item was not in the previously viewed list, the white block is pressed. Before using the SPR task for screening potential pretreatment and therapy compounds against chemical warfare agents, improvements to the current SPR programming were necessary. Working with the DAKKRO Corp. (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD), an SPR program was written that allowed greater control over all parameters of the program. Working with Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), the program was tested and corrected as needed. Animals were able to adjust to the new program quickly and required very little new training. The program proved to be user friendly and allowed investigators to adjust the program configuration easily. The analysis program reduces analysis time from 40 minutes per animal per day to less than one minute per animal per day. Program use is outlined, and a short tour of the program is provided showing how to create an animal file, set up an animal information file, perform an experimental run, analyze data and delete animal files.