Numerology for Relationships
註釋Is your Birth Number a perfect match with your lover's? The 1 male is handsome and confident; will he click emotionally with the beautiful 6 female? The 2 girlfriend is emotional and loving; will the passionate 9 boyfriend bring her the security she craves? The 7 husband is sensitive and emotional; is the efficient 8 wife the right match for him? Numerology is profoundly simple and simply profound. Gain instant insights into any relationship, past or present and understand the deepest emotional needs of your lover. Relationships are a 24/7 testing ground for compatibility; use the power of attraction between the numbers to your advantage. Is your boyfriend husband material? Will your girlfriend make a compatible wife? Find out what each Birth Number really needs and provides in a relationship Is the 3 male just like the 3 female? Experience the male and female personality of each Birth Number in one of 18 comprehensive, gender-specific profiles Does action-hero Mars affect your personality? Or does jolly Jupiter control your attitude? Learn how the planets affect you through your Birth Number Is the Pisces 6 girlfriend as marriage-minded as the Virgo 6 female? See how your Birth Number blends its energy with your astrological Sun sign in one of 108 different Sun sign and Birth Number profiles Which Birth Numbers are the most passionate? Which ones have hot tempers? Check out the FAQs about the numerological Birth Numbers Numerologist and astrologer Vera Kaikobad, author of The 12 Moon Signs in Love and The Young Girl's Astrological Dating Guide, brings you a comprehensive new book on numerology, with an emphasis on Birth Numbers. With over 12 years experience in compatibility numerology, Vera helps you discover the mystical power of your personal Birth Number, and offers must-know tips on how each Birth Number perceives, expresses and reciprocates love. Vera is a graduate of Thomas Edison State College and is currently working on her second book on numerology.