其他書名 | Its Original, Growth, and Observation, Also of Easter, Whitsontide, and Other Holydayes Modestly Discussed and Determined. Also the Beginning of the Yeare, and Other Things Observable. Where Also Among Other Learned Men, You Have the Judgment of Those Eminent Men; Josephus Scaliger, Rodulphus Hospinian, Matthaeus Beroaldus, Joh. Causabon, Doct. Fulk, M. Cartwright, Alsted, Hugh Broughton, Master Mead. By Thomas Mocket; Sometimes of Queens Colledge in Cambridge, and Mr. of Arts in Both the Universities; and Now Pastor of Gildeston in Hartfordshire. Novemb. 26, 1650. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy |
出版 | Richard Wodenoth at the Star under Peters Church in Cornhill, 1651 |
URL | http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=TxUQzwEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api |