The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ES & H Self-assessmentprogram
註釋Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is a multiprogram national research facility operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE environment, safety, and health (ES & H) policy requires that all Berkeley Lab work be performed safely, with minimal adverse impact on the public and the environment. To facilitate safe and responsible work, Berkeley Lab divisions, directorates, and select departments must develop and implement Integrated Safety Management (ISM) plans. Berkeley Lab operates a formal internal ES & H self-assessment process to evaluate ES & H programs and policies and assure that ISM is implemented at all levels of activities and operations. ISM requires that: (1) work is defined, (2) hazards are identified, (3) controls are developed and implemented, (4) work is performed as authorized, and (5) feedback and improvement are continuous. These five ISM core functions are sustained by applying the seven guiding principles of ISM. These are: (1) line management responsibility and accountability for ES & H, (2) clear ES & H roles and responsibilities, (3) competency commensurate with responsibilities, (4) an ongoing balance between safety on the one hand and research and operational priorities on the other, (5) identification of standards and requirements, (6) hazard controls tailored to the work, and (7) operations authorization. Self-assessment at Berkeley Lab is a continuous process of information gathering and evaluation. The goals of the self-assessment program are: (a) Ensure that work activities and operations are done safely and in a manner that maximizes public and environmental protection. (b) Ensure that the five core functions and seven guiding principles of integrated safety management are employed effectively in work planning and performance. (c) Meet regulatory requirements for DOE oversight, self-assessment, and an integrated safety management system. (d) Meet contractual requirements for ES & H performance and self-assessment. (Berkeley Lab operates under DOE/University of California Contract DE-AC03-7600098, Appendix F.).