Identifying Colloid-Stabilizing Forces in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Extended DLVO Theory
註釋The interfacial forces that dictate colloid stability in aqueous and non-aqueous systems are a function of the polar and apolar properties of the medium. This study quantifies these colloidal forces and energies between a glass microsphere and a glass surface in water and n-decane solutions using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). These solutions were amended systematically to identify the magnitudes of various contributing forces in aqueous and non-aqueous systems. For comparison, classical DLVO and Extended-DLVO (XDLVO) theory were used to calculate the free energy of interaction for each system. Long-range repulsive forces were measured in aqueous solutions and were generally predicted by DLVO theory. Small repulsive forces were measured in non-aqueous solutions at close separation distances (