The Leadership Mystique
註釋Acknowledgments xvi Preface xvii 1 Decoding the human mystique: using the prism of the clinical paradigm 1 Introducing key issues 4 The centrality of the clinical paradigm 8 2 Emotional intelligence in the world of work 18 Intelligence as a multifaceted attribute 20 A closer look at emotional intelligence 25 Honing the sub-skills of emotional intelligence 27 A mood too far: managing emotional extremes 34 The core conflictual relationship theme 38 Deepening our understanding of our inner theater 42 Escaping your psychic prison 46 3 The mussel syndrome 48 Corporate consequences of the mussel syndrome 50 The changing organizational paradigm 52 Companies that endure 56 4 The failure factor in leadership 62 Executive behavior: myth and reality 63 Rational and irrational behavior 65 Dysfunctional patterns in leadership 68 The transference trap 72 The impact of narcissism 83 5 The Dilbert phenomenon 91 The deadness within 93 Resuscitating "dead" leaders 97 Whole-life strategy versus deferred-life strategy 100 The tragedies of success and near-success 102 A summary prescription for revitalization 106 6 The rot at the top 108 Neurotic styles and organizations 109 The dramatic personality/organization 112 The suspicious personality/organization 114 The detached personality/organization 119 The depressive personality/organization 121 The compulsive personality/organization 123 An organizational vicious circle 133 7 Achieving personal and organizational change 136 The process of change 137 The dynamics of individual change 138 The dynamics of organizational transformation 144 Leadership strategies forimplementing change 154 8 Characteristics of effective leadership 163 Leadership models 164 9 Leadership in a global context 174 The wheel of culture 175 Identifying global leadership abilities 184 Global leadership development 187 10 Roles leaders play 194 Leadership versus management 197 The dual roles of leadership 203 11 The dynamics of succession 214 Midlife dilemmas 216 The life-cycle of a CEO 218 Generational envy 224 12 Leadership development 228 Selection problems 229 Developmental tasks 232 Leadership in the "digital age" 237 13 Best places to work: authentizotic organizations 243 The best companies to work for 244 The "healthy" individual 246 Characteristics of the "authentizotic" organization 254 The gender question 257 14 Final thoughts 261 The fool as necessary truth teller 261 Final thoughts on leadership 263 Suggested further reading 266 Index 270 List of Tables 6.1 Summary of the five dominant constellations 110 List of Figures 2.1 Styles of thinking 19 2.2 Organizational processes 38 6.1 The organizational vicious circle: "neurotic" organizations 133 7.1 The five C's of the individual change process 143 7.2 The interwoven forces of personal change 144 7.3 The organization "mourning" process 148 7.4 Steps in the organizational change process 153 8.1 The leadership domain 166 8.2 Superior-subordinate power relationships 167 8.3 Dimensions of leadership style 168 8.4 The circle of competencies 170 9.1 The wheel of culture 177 9.2 Global leadership development 193 10.1 Leadership/management matrix 196 10.2 The dual roles of leadership 204 11.1 Leadership in the digital age 241 13.1 Essential elements of the authentizotic organization 257.