Miriam Prophetess of God

 I am Miriam-Prophetess of God. This book is a collection of my history from 1300 BC and miracles I have witnessed in this incarnation. It also contains miraculous signs of the Judgment Day in 2018. It is a blessing to believers and was written by God, Creator of Universes while I was the typist.


I was sent here to serve God by bringing Justice to the world by helping God’s innocent children, Animals. They are the most oppressed children on Earth, and because of them God is going to clean the Earth in 2018 from all criminal corpse eaters, butchers, hunters, atheists, unbelievers and sinners. This book was written to create faith and belief in the one God that exist-Yahweh, Allah, Nataraj, Creator and Destroyer of Universes, and to inspire you to go Vegan and rise for Justice for your brother and sister Animals.