Touching Ed

He wants 100 great adventures - She wants to get out of the house

Middle age and a lack of sex leads Abigail on a blind date with Ed. She's attracted to this avid surfer and kayaker, who plans to travel the world and experience a hundred great adventures. This handsome grey haired man with a loud laugh and a twinkle in his eye ignites Abigail's red hot passion.But the couple's journey of love hits a major road block. Why does Ed fear he may not be man enough to fulfill Abigail's wild desires? Can Abigail make her way around this obstacle and get back on track to a path of love and happiness with Ed?

A story of true life romance. A romantic, but realistic love story.

TishFLReader March 2015

'I used to think that any sort of romantic story that involved people older than forty was lame. Now, it's my reality and I have found that real life and love didn't begin for me until those later years. "Touching Ed" is a wonderful story of two people, Abby and Ed, who meet a little bit later in life and are still able to find happiness and make each other's fantasies come true.'

TJ. FEB 2015 England

'This was a beautiful love story and journey into understanding ED. The characters were well developed and I couldn't put the book down, read it in one day. I highly recommend this as both a touching, well scripted love story, but also as a tool to understanding erectile dysfunction. I loved it.'

Falling in love, should never be difficult. As a mature couple, Abby and Ed are having a few more problems that younger couples. Abby wants desperately to share Ed's dreams of adventures, but is not sure if the relationship is working out and keeping up with her expectations.