Love After 50
註釋This is probably the most difficult book I have ever written. A couple of years ago I became a "Love Coach" and started advising others including couples at DearCathy.com. When I first thought about becoming a "Love Coach," I had my doubts about my abilities to motivate people, who were seeking their soulmates. However, I have known my entire life that I have the ability to bring people together and to let them look at all the possibilities and opportunities, that their lives have to offer. I would like for everyone to know upfront that this book is not some x-rated book, that will offer you different positions to please your lover in bed. Instead, it's a book about answering all those too intriguing and important questions, that men and women have about each other as they age. It's about finding a suitable spouse, partner, mate, significant other or someone that you can enjoy your life with. And mostly, it's about facing the facts in your own life. I wrote this book because I spent close to 30 years working in a male dominated industry, where my co-workers would ask me all types of questions about their wives or mates. They even called me "Dr. Ruth." Even after a short marriage and being single for many years, I still knew what went on in most relationships and what it took to make them work. Everyone would like to have a life companion, someone exciting to walk into the sunset with for their remaining years. But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't mean you are not living a worthy life. Many couples don't want to talk about what it really takes to stay together. Many would rather hide what's obviously broken in their relationships, so that they can go on pretending it doesn't matter. This results in many years of being unfulfilled and unsatisfied in their relationships. All of it matters, if they ever plan on having a meaningful relationship, or if they ever plan on creating the type of life that they can truly love.