Enigmatic Descent
註釋A scourge has been ravishing the small town of Gaston Gorge for untold years. Fate seems destined to remain on the same debilitating course until a few unassuming souls embark on an enigmatic descent.
Ethan Wysong—directly affected from the town’s secret, with the disappearance of his sister—is about to find his new path in life. The tainted sky marked by a heroic deed finally becomes less ominous. Saving Ryan Laville is just the moment that added clarity to both lives. With reasons to move on, not only for themselves but for the loved ones lost, Ethan and Ryan will become the cursed town’s secret liberators.
Along this way, other personalities add to the clearing heavens. Josie McShay adds strength to the group. Alyssa Thorpe enables level footing, and the canine Sage guides their way through the dangers ahead. Many obstacles befall the group, but none can dissuade the perseverance the whole achieve.
With a foreboding evil taking continuous aim on the small town, the small band of companions locate the source. It is found to be a new world with inhabitants earthly eyes have never looked upon before. Yet similar people are spotted, enslaved townsfolk from the targeted site desperately are in need of rescue.
With courage, passion, and love, the fateful spirits undertake a battle that will never be known by the town it is fighting for.