AIX V6 Advanced Security Features Introduction and Configuration

AIX Version 6.1 provides many significant new security technologies and security enhancements. The purpose of this IBM Redbooks publication is to highlight and explain the security features at the conceptual level, as well as provide practical examples of how they may be implemented. Some features are extensions of features made available in prior AIX releases, and some are new features introduced with AIX V6.

Major new security enhancements will be introduced with AIX V6 in 2007:

- Trusted AIX (Multilevel Security)
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Encrypted File System
- Trusted Execution
- AIX Security Expert Enhancements

This IBM Redbooks publication will provide a technical introduction to these new enhancements. The topics are both broad and very complex. This book will serve as an initial effort in describing all of the enhancements together in a single volume to the security/system hardening oriented audience.