Diplomatic Security
Overseas Facilities May Face Greater Risks Due to Gaps in Security-related Activities, Standards, and Policies : Report to Congressional Committees
出版United States Government Accountability Office, 2014
註釋U.S. policy can call for U.S. personnel to be posted to high-threat, high-risk posts overseas. To maintain a presence in these locations, State has often relied on older, acquired (purchased or leased), and temporary work facilities that do not meet the same security standards as more recently constructed permanent facilities. GAO was asked to review how State assures the security of these work facilities. GAO evaluated (1) how State manages risks at work facilities overseas; (2) the adequacy of State's physical security standards for these facilities; (3) State's processes to address vulnerabilities when older, acquired, and temporary overseas facilities do not meet physical security standards; and (4) the extent to which State's activities to manage risks to its overseas work facilities align with State's risk management policy and with risk management best practices. GAO reviewed U.S. laws and State's policies, procedures, and standards for risk management and physical security. GAO reviewed facilities at a judgmental sample of 10 higher-threat, higher-risk, geographically dispersed, overseas posts and interviewed officials from State and other agencies in Washington, D.C., and at 16 overseas posts, including the 10 posts at which GAO reviewed facilities. GAO is making 13 recommendations for State to address gaps in its security-related activities, standards, and policies (detailed on the following page).