Preshrunk Ponderings and Rumpled Rememberings

Preshrunk Ponderings and Rumpled Rememberings is a collection of folksy essays on low-cost housing and its relationship to homelessness, on public transportation and its relationships to independence of movement and quality of life, on artifice and institutionalism in higher education, and on the tinkering mind and creative science. The author draws from his experiences in living life fully from the low-end of the economic scale and offers uncommon perspectives on what readers may find common all around us. Reasonable analyses of problems are intended less toward offerings of solutions than to provoke thought and stimulate discussion. There are no overt polemics or hard-line politics that might stir the dental profession to action from widespread gnashing of teeth. These are just amiable discourses on a few diverse topics to animate some dimension to the prevailing flat dullness and torpor. They are easy reading for a few lazy hours.