God?s Cranky Prophets: Jonah & Habakkuk

Meet Jonah and Habakkuk, two of the crankiest prophets in the Old Testament, and discover how their candid conversations with God can inspire you with the help of God's Cranky Prophets, an uplifting evangelical Bible study guide.

Just like people today, Jonah and Habakkuk complained to God about His ways of dealing with evil in the world. They struggled to find a satisfactory theodicy, meaning an explanation of God's actions with regard to evil in light of His goodness. Their cranky attitudes revealed that their hearts were not yet in line with God's heart in matters of justice, mercy, salvation, and His sovereignty.

Jonah persisted in angry defiance, but Habakkuk eventually submitted to God in humility, providing an example of faith for us to imitate. Habakkuk can show you how to move from:

- fear to faith
- worry to worship
- low places to high places

Jonah and Habakkuk's stories affirm the truth that God loves to save. We are to trust God's saving purposes revealed throughout history, ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Whether you are old friends with Jonah and Habakkuk or meeting them for the first time, they can help you have a better relationship with God. Do yourself a favor and make plans now to enjoy hanging out with God's Cranky Prophets.