Krishna & Christ, Volume 2
註釋At the core of most religions lies a transcendent being, someone out of the ordinary that challenges our limited human mind to expand to unknown heights. It is the presence of this being that gives people hope, proof even, that God is real. Through these individuals, God becomes something tangible, experiential and not just an abstract idea. Volume 2 of the Christ & Krishna set highlights and dives deep into the lives of two such extraordinary beings, namely Krishna and Jesus Christ. Using the stories of the Bhagavatam and the Bible, the author draws comparisons and similarities in their lives and teachings, bringing clarity to the nature of God, His relationships with His devotees and His impact on the world. Through the window of these lives, we can clearly see Divine purpose, Divine power and Divine Love in action. Reading this book will inspire real devotion, not to an idea, or an institution, but rather to the essence and core of all spiritual paths: God Himself.