Profiling Leadership Discipline
註釋Not since the One Minute Manager has there been a speedier, more relevant read for leaders at all levels. This book presents the 20 critical leadership disciplines contemporary leaders must consistently demonstrate to be outstanding and to influence the direction and success of those willing to follow. In less than 100 pages Profiling Leadership Discipline brings the 20 disciplines to life using models, simple examples and behavioural descriptors. Moving logically from one section to another, the book prompts leaders to challenge their ability to enable themselves and others to realise potential, out-perform and continuously improve - necessary conditions for all organisations to grow and profit. An assessment and development tool also assists leaders to leverage, build and sustain the leadership, management and commercial capabilities required for success today and tomorrow. This is one of the few books in today's market that simplifies and summarises leadership concepts that power performance in a user friendly and practical way. Twenty years assisting international business establish the infrastructure and frameworks required to develop exceptional leadership and organisation capability furnishes Ian Corner with the commercial wisdom he applies to profiling leadership discipline. His continued effort to deliver learning and organisation development solutions that profit business ensures that this, his first book, will not be the last.