The Truth About Racism
Its Origins, Legacy, and How God Wants Us to Deal with It
出版WestBow Press, 2014-02-27
主題Religion / Christianity / General

Dr. Asante uncovers the truth about racism in this revealing and compelling book. He explains where racist ideology has come from, and the reasons why some people are racist, by exploring the contributions from both Christianity and the theory of Evolution. Learn how the Bible was deliberately misinterpreted and abused in order to justify slavery, segregation, colonialism, and apartheid. Better understand what legacy these institutions have left on people. Discover how Darwins theory of evolution led to the construction of the concept of different races and the resultant development of racial superiority and inferiority, based solely on skin coloration. This is a well-written and well-researched book that truly dissects the distressing and often uncomfortable subject of racism. It tugs at the heart strings of humanity and cries out for unity. Some will find the book controversial and uncomfortable, while others will find it liberating and supportive. It will challenge your very conscience and offer a revealing look into the development of racism.