Refurbishment and upgrading of foundations
註釋This report prepared a task force drawn Working Group 07 'Foundations' of Cigré Study Committee 22. provides an outline of good practice on the refurbishment and upgrading of existing overhead transmission line support foundations. Possible reasons for foundation deterioration are reviewed, whichmay result from such diverse causes as early-age concrete cracking to damage by frost forces. The critical nature of the inspection and testing strategy are considered, with attention focussed on the economics of the inspection/testing regime, the use of alternative strategies and the different levels of foundation inspection together with the actual inspection test methods. The latter ranging from a simple visual approach to full scale load testing of the foundation. The interrelationship between the foundation's applied loading and strength is examined as part of the overall assessment of weather to refurbish, upgrade or accept foundation. Techniques for refurbishment and upgrading are outlined both for the internal structure of the foundation and the external geotechnical strength.