Restructuring Early Childhood Education
Michael F. Kelley
Elaine Surbeck
Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation
, 1991
Education / Schools / Levels / Elementary
Education / Schools / Levels / Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten)
The first of six national educational goals, proclaimed by President Bush, to be accomplished by the year 2000 is that all children will start school ready to learn. This booklet examines this goal in terms of what it will take to ensure that all children develop the capacities or readiness to be successful in school. In the introduction, it is asserted that, for children and families to succeed in the lifelong process of learning, early childhood experiences both in and out of the home must be as personalized as possible. The first chapter looks at the early childhood years and the concept of school readiness. The second chapter explains why restructuring, rather than reform, of early childhood education is needed. A framework for providing comprehensive intervention services is discussed in the third chapter. The fourth chapter profiles programs in Missouri, Minnesota, and California that seek to broaden the role of schools in early childhood education. The fifth chapter examines curriculum issues intrinsic to a restructuring of early childhood education. The sixth chapter deals with appropriate methods for child assessment. In a concluding section, it is argued that services for children and families be coordinated, and that early childhood education be restructured to become personalized and family-centered (HTH)