Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind in Indian Perspective
Souvenir XL Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Professional Social Work
出版Indian Society of Professional Social Work
主題Social Science / Social Work

This book is a conference proceeding of XL Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Professional Social Work (www.ispsw.net) held at Chandigarh, India from 27th -28th May 2022. This was released as a Souvenir during the conference. The conference theme was " Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind in Indian Perspective" as the title of this book.

The title ‘Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind in Indian Perspective’, is retained in concordance with the theme of World Social Work Day 2022 which “presents a vision and action plan to create new global values, policies and practices that develop trust, security and confidence for all people and the sustainability of the planet”. It “will be a highlight opportunity for the social work profession to engage all social work networks and the community they work within to make contributions to the values and principles which enable all people to have their dignity respected through shared futures”. The theme is pertinent in the Indian perspective and expected to benefit academicians, students, Social workers and professionals irrespective of the area they are working in.