History of Europe
註釋Volume Four Of The Book Studies The Period From 1870 To 1945. During This Period Tremendous Progress Had Been Made With The Help Of Scientific Inventions. Now Man Can Fly In Air And Can Talk With Persons Living Thousand Of Miles Away. Now Common People Enjoy Luxuries And Comforts Which Were Not Available Even To Emperors In Ancient And Medieval Period. But Scientific Progress Made People Selfish And Destructive Arms And Nuclear Weapons Were Invented. The Great Wars Of 1914-1918 And Of 1939-1945 Took Place During This Period Which Gave Death Blow To Imperial And Colonial Powers And Supremacy Of European Powers Came To An End. To Preserve Peace And To Maintain Progress And For The Uplift Of Downtrodden People, The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation Were Established. What Is Hidden In The Womb Of Future Is Difficult To Predict But It Can Be Said That Tremendous Progress Has Been Made In All Aspects And Spheres Of Life. It Is Hoped That Peace And Progress Will Prevail All Over The World And Future Of Mankind Will Be Bright And Further Progress Will Be Made In All Aspects And Spheres Of Life.