Turkey’s Neo-Ottomanist Moment - A Eurasianist Odyssey

Turkey’s Neo-Ottomanist Moment, A Eurasianist Odyssey, is the most comprehensive account to date of the transformation of Turkey’s foreign policy related to its regime change. With first-hand knowledge, Cengiz Çandar tells the story of the emergence of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s revisionist Turkey in global affairs. References from almost 90 different names from around 20 countries, he also reflects how the international expertise on Turkey viewed Turkey.

“Cengiz Çandar has written a thought provoking and tremendously insightful book on contemporary Turkish foreign policy rooted in a deep understanding of Turkish history and politics. Çandar’s insights are grounded in experiences as a journalist and foreign policy advisor. This book goes a long way to explain Turkey’s strident foreign policy today. It is a wonderfully informative and enjoyable read!”

- Lenore G. Martin, Co-Chair of the Study Group on Modern Turkey, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, USA


“No one better understands and explains “Neo-Ottomanism” than Cengiz Çandar, who coined the term almost 30 years ago, long before it became a fashionable concept capturing the evolution of Turkish foreign policy. And very few writers can so beautifully weave professional insights, objective analysis and anecdotal flair. By transcending easy clichés and lazy analogies, Çandar has produced a definitive account. If you could only read one book on Turkish foreign policy , this is it.”

- Ömer Taşpınar, ProfessorNational War College and The Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), USA


“In his new book, Turkey’s Neo-Ottomanist Moment: A Eurasianist Odyssey, Cengiz Çandar, a veteran foreign policy analyst, advances a lucid explanation of his country’s increasingly assertive behavior. His seemingly paradoxical conclusion is aptly encapsulated in the book’s title. Çandar’s book is an intellectual tour de force and a must-read for anyone interested in the intertwined problem of contemporary Turkey’s identity and foreign policy.”

- Igor Torbakov, Historian, former research scholar at the Russian Academy of Sciences.



A Revisionist Power on the International Stage

The World’s Pandemic Year, Turkey’s Year of Belligerence

Turkey: The Country to Watch

Neo-Ottomanism: A Controversy

A Kaleidoscope of Hostility


Nostalgia or Restoring Imperial Glory

Neo-Ottomanism: A Metamorphosis (From Özal to Erdoğan via Davutoğlu)

Genesis of Neo-Ottomanism

The Contours of Özalian Neo-Ottomanism

Davutoğlu: Neo-Ottomanist or Not?

Turkey-Centred Islamism or Arab Revenge on Turkey

Davutoğlu versus Özal: Prelude to Erdoğan

From Obscure Islamist Scholar to High-Profile Strategist

“Shamgen” versus Schengen

Neo-Ottomans versus Neo-Safavids

Arab Spring, the Game Changer

From Zero Problems with Neighbours to No Neighbours without Problems

Sunni-Sectarian and Anti-Kurdish Impulses

Turkey in Syria, Eurasianism in Action

Erdoğanist Neo-Ottomanism in Play

The Eurasianist Diversion: Turkey Marches to Syria

Syria: The First Move on the Neo-Ottomanist Chessboard

Blue Homeland: Turkish Mare Nostrum (Reaching North Africa, Gunboat Diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean)

Expanding to Libya and the Eastern Mediterranean


Turkey and Greece: Dispute on Maritime Delimitation and EEZ’s

Greek Resentment, German “Appeasement”

Reasonable Propositions for Maritime Delimitation

Blue Homeland: Turkish Maritime Claims Larger than Sweden

Blue Homeland: “Eurasianism versus the Imperialist Powers of the West and Greece”

In Russia’s Backyard: Turkey in the South Caucasus

Turkey’s Entry into Russia’s “Near Abroad”

Timid Turkey 1992: Assertive Turkey 2020–2021

Dual Corridor or the Road to Central Asia and China

Competitive Cooperation or Adverserial Collaboration with Russia

Erdoğan and Putin: Observing Realpolitik

First Turkish Military Presence in Caucasus in over a Century

Neo-Ottomanist Turkey: For How Long?

Wars Cost Money

Turkey: A “Sick Man” That Never Was

Overturning Conventional History

The Reckoning

Searching for New Geopolitical Axes in a Multipolar World

Turkey’s Hostile Dance with the West

Differing Views on China and Russia

The Old Overlord in the New Middle East

Great Power Rivalries of the “Second Cold War”

The Black Sea Dilemma

The Uyghur Case: Moral Bankruptcy of Turkish Nationalism and Eurasianism


CREDITS: Cover design by Nihal Yazgan


ISBN: 978-1-80135-044-0 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-80135-049-5 (Digital)

Publisher: Transnational Press London

Published: 25 August 2021

Language: English

Pages: 198

Binding: Paperback

Interior Ink: Black & white

Weight (approx.): 0.5 kg

Dimensions (approx.): 15cm wide x 23cm tall