Proceeding On
註釋The story of how Lewis and Clark explored America is almost hard to believe. Their journey through the rugged, undiscovered American frontier seems more like a made-up big screen drama, than a true story based on detailed journal entries. But thanks to the attention paid to every part of the trip, we have an amazing record of their adventurous journey. This book is not, however, primarily concerned with the history of the trip. In fact, while every effort has been made to remain historically accurate, the focus of this book is on the spiritual truths that emerge from the pages of the journals of Lewis and Clark. It's not that Lewis and Clark were on this spiritual journey, but the parallels between their travels and the travels of all who seek after God are surprisingly similar. Tim Walter has done a masterful job of taking the spirit of each journal entry used, to point the reader to a larger adventure -- the one that each of us must consider as we engage the reality of God. As you read "Proceed On", you will see why Tim's imagination was captured by The Corps of Discovery, even as a young boy. Even more, you will understand Tim's true passion in life: Pointing people back to Jesus.