Salient Points Five
註釋As with previous books in the series, 'Salient Points 5' features a number of stories of the individuals and units taking part in these Great War actions. Included in this edition are the London Irish at Hollebeke, the 2nd Grenadier Guards at Klien-Zillebeke, the birth of the notorious Birdcage at Polegsteert, the fate of 2nd/Lt. Paul J Rodocanachi R F C at Torreken Farm, Poet Roland Leightons death near Gommecourt Wood, the 10th, 11th and 13th Cheshires at St Yves and Le Gheer, the 7th Inniskillings Fusiliers at Wytschaete, the London Rifle Brigade at Ploegsteert and the 2nd Royal Welch at Loos. Also included are two stories covering recent events concerning the military burials of the remains of two Lancashire Fusiliers at Prowse Point Military Cemetery and a reflective wander around the Ypres Town Cemetery and Extension. All bring to the Great War enthusiast a more personalized view of the men, the events in which they took part and the areas where they were involved.