Participant Trustworthiness Analysis In The Game-Based Urban Planning Processes By PROMETHEE-mGQNN Approach

Serious games together with the gamified and the game-based surveys (GBS), offer an engaging way to increase citizens’ participation in urban planning projects. However, there is always the risk of untrustworthy participants, which can decrease the overall reliability of the game-based research. Trustworthiness analysis is a highly challenging task since the neuropsychology of the GBS respondents and the infinite amount of their possible in-game actions causes many uncertainties in the data analysis. The novel MCDM approach PROMETHEE-mGqNN (PROMETHEE under m-generalised q-neutrosophic numbers) is proposed in this paper as the solution to the described problem. Five criteria that might be automatically calculated from the in-game data are proposed to construct the decision matrix to identify the untrustworthy respondents. The game-based survey “Parkis” developed to assess the safety and attractiveness of the urban public park “Missionary Garden” (Vilnius, Lithuania) is proposed as the case study of this research