Biometrična analiza sarmatijskih muricid (Muricidae, Gastropoda) iz Tunjiškega gričevja
Aleksander Horvat
Vasja Mikuž
Biometrical analysis of the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) muricids (Muricidae, Gastropoda) from the Tunjice Hills, NE from Ljubljana, Slovenia
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti
, 2001
Previous researchers of the Sarmatian beds in the Tunjice hills, NE from Ljubljana, have described four species and one variety of the muricid fauna Murex (Ocenebra) sublavatus, M. (O.) sublavatus var. grundensis, M. (O.) caelatus, M. (O.) dertonensis in M. (O.) credneri. During the new investigation of the same localities we acquired a sample of muricids, which was large enough for a biometric analysis. The results of the biometric analysis show that the earlier conclusions about the gastropod diversity were incorrect. The correlation coefficients between all measured variables are statistically significant. The regression scatterplots also indicate that all analysed muricid specimens belong to one group only. The size-frequency histograms of muricids from the Tunjice hills suggest high mortality in the mid-late life group of the population. In our view the difference in gastropod size is the result of different paleoecological conditions without any taxonomical sense. On the basis of the biometrical studies and other typological characteristics the previously determined Sarmatian muricid species from the Tunjice hills should therefore be reduced to the species Ocinebrina sublavata only.