The U.S. Army in Peace Operations at the Dawning of the Twenty-first Century
註釋Om den Amerikanske Hærs deltagelse i forskellige fredsbevarende operationer i de senere år. Rapporten er udgivet af US Army Research Institute og beskriver de udviklingstendenser i det internationale system efter den Kolde Krigs ophør som betinger rammerne for disse fredsbevarende operationer." ... a wide range of Military Operations other than War. These include, but are not limited to, traditional Peacekeeping. This Report identifies the characteristics and trends in the International System that serve as the environment, and how it might futher change in the future. It describes the role that the US Army has played in these operations and the challenges of the Army of understanding these missions and developing doctrine for them, training for and adapting to these missions, and sustaining participation in them. Special attention is paid to the expanding role of the reserves and the implications of peace operations for Army families."