"Basic Life with Rhonda Gayle" Book Series
註釋Throughout this edition of " 'Basic Life with Rhonda Gayle ' the Book Series : The Emotional Woman's Revelation: The Hidden Truth" , you will be shown the POWER of LOVE - LIFE - TRUTH, along with TIME and PATIENCE "APPLIED", just how LIFE CHANGING, MIND ALTERING, LOVE through LIFE is, and how you can take COMFORT in knowing that the TRUTH "will" make you FREE ... FREE to LOVE, FREE to LIVE and FREE to walk in the boldness of the TRUTH and be COMFORTED by that TRUTH. I will share with you some of my notes that I have written over the years (hence the dates) that LOVE has ministered unto me that keeps me "emotionally" sound and grounded. You should find out the TRUTH about your past, present and prayerfully your future , and be able to "KNOW your ROLE" as the WOMAN LOVE created you to be, LIFE encourages you to be, and the truths TRUTH will comfort you with while evolve. Also, you will be able to feel FREE to EMBRACE your ROLE as the woman LOVE "fearfully and wonderfully made", feeling EMPOWERED to BE the WOMAN you were CREATED and DESTINED to be! FEAR NOT, you and your EMOTIONS will have the COMFORT and JOY you have always been seeking and have always desired.