BUNDLE: Wright, Multifaceted Assessment for Early Childhood Education + Flippo, Preparing Students for Testing and Doing Better in School

We offer these texts bundled together at a discount for your students.

Wright, Multifaceted Assessment for Early Childhood Education
A highly readable integration of the latest assessment practices and policies, this text includes valuable information regarding young children with special needs and English language learners—topics that are insufficiently addressed in other assessment texts. Focusing on practical applications of key concepts, Multifaceted Assessment for Early Childhood Education provides a knowledge base of what every early childhood teacher should know about assessing young children.

Flippo, Preparing Students for Testing and Doing Better in School
As the stakes on high-profile student tests such as the SAT continue to rise, student preparedness is becoming increasingly important. As a result, helping students do well on tests and succeed in school has become a top priority for teachers. This indispensable guide responds to this need by providing resources to promote content learning and test-taking abilities in middle and secondary school students.